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    Most frequent questions and answers

    PPC stands for pay-per-click Company. It is an industry term used to describe a digital marketing online advertising company. Pay-per-click is an advertising model where you pay for the click as the main frame of payment to the ad network.

    PPC companies offer a variety of pricing models. Some charge onetime payment, others charge based on the performance. There are pros and cons to all these models. Choose as per your company requirement.

    PPC bidding is all based on an auction. When an advertiser places a bid, the ad network will weigh that against all other advertisers’ bids. The ad network will also look at the quality of the ad, the landing page and more to determine the final cost per click.

    It is not a great idea to do pay per click by you. It is a highly complicated field that requires strong math and analytical skill. Most first time advertisers make mistakes that cost them more that they would spend with a company.

    • Remarketing is a process for advertising where an individual is cookied while visiting a website. When they leave ads are served to them around the web. This is a powerful way to generate sales from qualified customers.


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