All of your problems with learning have been resolved.

The term LMS refers to a learning management system. It's a piece of software that lets you design, organise, and track online educational programmes. Being web-based, you can access online learning management software at any time and from anywhere using any device.
utkristh Overviews
Utkristh Overview img
Learning Management System

Features of Utkristh
At a glance

Intuitive course builder
With an advanced lesson and section organiser, creating a course is a breeze.
Quiz test
With a single click, you can create a quiz with as many questions as you want and as many answers as you want.
Multiple lesson file types
Lessons can be build up from youtube, vimeo, html5 video, text, pdf, doc image files.
Public instructor
Publicly instructors can signup and sell courses. Their selling revenue commission will be paid by admin.
Payment report
Detailed payment report for course selling revenue and instructor commission payment.

Some of the Fantastic Features

And get start your new career with Us

Ease of course creation

Anytime Learning

Real-time tracking

Low training budget

More Scalability

Reduced learning time

What are the advantages of taking a Pendrive course?

The educational Pendrive courses firm organises study materials on Pendrives in the form of video lectures. Many organisations, institutes, and workshop organisers will gain greatly from the current trend. It is made up of deliverables that contain the whole lecture series in digital format on promotional USB flash sticks.
Update notification LMS

How to make learning a
strategic priority in your company

Learning is a necessary component of life. You'll build an agile workforce and a culture where your employees can grow, adapt, and prosper if learning is at the heart of your business.

Modern learning that gets results

Our learning management software provides your people with the skills they want and your organization needs.
Dashboard LMS
Learning Management System

Over 1200+ Satisfied
Clients and Growing

“LMS has given us the ability to deliver training to those who need it most, quickly, in a flexible way and with full traceability. “
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